iChat Preferences
iChat In Pictures >> You are in Folder 3 iChat Prefs >> Page : General Prefs Picture.
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1General Preferences |
02-10-2006 |
This is the first of the Preference Screens. It is accessed from the iChat Menu and then Preferences.
This one is labeled "General" The Options are fairly self explanatory. However:-
iChat does not by default log out of AIM fully when iChat is quit - it sets you to Away. With some AIM Clients (Apps) versions this allows Off-line IMs to be stored on the AIM servers for you, although some people find it will start up iChat when the computer is On but iChat is not running. (forces iChat in to a sort of Background mode)
Shapes changes the 3D blobs for Available, Away and Idle to be a Square, Triangle and Circle although they are still coloured Green, Red and Amber. Whilst this might seem usefull for colour blind people there is no corresponding setting for System Wide resetting to get rid/change the default Aqua interface settings that give the other Green Amber and red blobs top left of any window or any other of the 3D look to things. (Edit 2024:- Looking back it looks like it an Accessiblity thing but it only applies to iChat).
Status in the Menu Bar puts a Speech Bubble icon in the menu bar on the right side towards the Clock. This in turns can access On Line Buddies to start Chatting or Change your Available/Away Status. If you are Off-Line it is greyed out and shows nothing. Away has a minus sign in it. Arguably it does save of Screen space meaning you could dismiss the Buddy List(s) however you lose much in the way of Groups and other tricks using the Buddy List like dropping files to send.
In later versions you can Auto-Reply when your Status is set to Away (and you have an Away message set)
Then there are a set that deal with how iChat should treat you or itself when doing certain things. When you do nothing on the keyboard or mouse for 5 mins iChat will regard you as Idle and you will show as such on other people's Buddy List. iChat presumes you have been away from the computer. This one is about what to do if you set the Away Status before hand. Some people report it does not work as it should.
The one that does Downloads does vary as to where it puts incoming files. If you are in Text Chat it will always put them on the Desktop no matter where they are set for at other times.
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