Ralph Johns

iChat Information Pages

iChat Icon


These pages are about iChat.

They consist of old info about iChat 1, 2 (AV), 3 as well as new stuff about the latest incarnation, iChat 5.

The info in these pages has been somewhat reorganized. I hope to make sure that things are grouped in a more logical order to explain somewhat how iChat has got from iChat (ver 1) though to the current iChat 5.x.x

The Menu at the top will contain everything but may change from page to page.

Historical Document

These pages have sat here since 2008 with no update. In that time the AIM servers have been closed down (2017) and iChat has been superseded by Messages. That effectively make this a sort of Historical Document of how it worked.

I will make attempts to renew and refresh Links to either the most current site or use the Way Back Machine Archive so that people can at least look at what was used. I will make Edit Notes on this and on those where I can find no link to replace the older one as I go through the document.

Other Useful Web Pages

Use Right Column for quick navigation to the different sections

This page is essentially a collection of lists. This page was originally constructed because the previous format of the Apple Discussion pages had limits on the length (or rather the character number total) of posts. This meant that FAQs/Users Tips could only be a certain length - (although a quirk in the posting software allowed updates to these tips). There is a version of this page on the Apple Discussion pages. Unfortunately the current software for the Discussion Boards does not allow updates to the text.

Where possible I have split the lists into sub areas in the individual panels. Towards the bottom it lists places you can find other Chatters. This in turn leads on to ChatRooms. Below that are some instructions to make any web browser link to iChat from a ChatRoom web link. (Edit 2024:- As AIM closed the service in 2017 many of the outer functions that linked into the service also no longer work. Although struck through I am leaving the words at the present time.)

Areas Covered

The basic info from the previous layout remains and has been updated.

Some sections I think have enough info with the links so I have placed them side by side. Where some have needed more info in my opinion I have added comments in the second column. This mainly applies the the Other Application section that I have split into the various categories. I have added a category for Video Chatting with a Web Browser.

I have checked links and removed some things I could not find with Google. I have added comments if I think the page I have linked you to contains out-of -date links itself.

Jabber in Tiger and Above

Jabber was added to iChat at iChat 3 when Tiger (10.4.x) came out. It does not have any set up features (Registration module as Jabber calls them) so you need to register a Jabber screen name and then use this in iChat. The first link tells you how. The second tells you how to extend this with "Transports" to other services. The third is needed for you to check on the Public Jabber servers available to pick one for your needs with link 1 and 2.

  1. Jabber Australia Info site. (Edit to Way Back Machine link).
  2. AllForces Blog that tells you how to connect iChat Jabber to MSN and other services (Edit: Again and Way Back Machine)
  3. Jabber Public Servers for use with above. This is now (Edit 2024:- from the JabberWorld site but is the laid out in a graphical form as to abilities of the servers listed. (Although most of the ablilities no longer exist))


iChat uses the AIM service to connect to other people also using the AIM service which includes @mac.com names (even trial accounts after the 60 days is up) and the newer @me.com names from MobilMe (trial accounts from here will not work if expired). It is possible you will need to convince your PC Buddies to change to AIM.

  1. Download AIM 5.9 site PC version Download site. They need this version as opposed to the newer Triton version. (Edit 2024:- I can get as far as this Way Back Machine, AIM, Page Not Found site but none of the links go any further. It at leaste give the look and feel of an AIM page
  2. PanFlute Another site explaining how to set up the AIM application. Basically a blog in several parts. Message #570 is where it is most useful. (Edit:- The Actual Thread has not been saved at Way BAck Machine. However follow the Link. Pick the Fourm menu item on the left. Choose the AIM Set up item it the English list at the top. The Poster is called hptschupp who is an Adminstrator on the site.)
  3. Add on AIM Video File Grab the aimrtc12.exe file from the list. For Windows XP users having trouble with starting out. This was certainly needed more for Windows 95 and 98 but seems less needed in XP (Edit 2024:- what this list does miss is AIM 5.9 or AIM 6.x versions. NOTE:- they were written for earlier Windows Architecture.)
  4. AIM for Mac Doh?!?!? It's a list on AIM ! (Edit 2024:- Way Back Machine link. After iChat came out the Mac version was a very very long time before an update. It ran until about 2009 when a renumbered version came out AIM for Mac 1.0)
  5. For PC Users Looking for Pre AIM 6.5 versions. (Web Archive Way Back Machine again.)

As AIM versions above AIM 6.1 state that they do not Video to iChat I have not given a Link.

iChat ADD-ONs

OK. iChat may not do all the things you may come across when trying out different IM applications.

iChat 2 stuff first

  1. iCAR Away Message maker.
    • BEWARE CONFILCTS WITH iCHAT 3 (Edit 2024:- to be more precise it added the Ability to Auto Respond to incoming messages with an Away Message)
  2. iProfile 1.2: Add an AIM profile.
    • Beware of using with Tiger/iChat 3
      (As the title says iChat 2 The Link is from the Way Back Machine and the first two comments are request to Uninstall in iChat 3)
  3. "iTunes Calling.." Doug Adams' Utility for showing what your iTunes is playing as a Status Message.
    • Not needed for iChat 3
  4. iChat Status A System Preference control item that can run several applescripts (included) from it's interface to put info from other applications in the Status message.
    • The Site now says Tiger Only and links to Previous Versions (Edit 2024:- I have grabbed a 2006 Web Archive link from the Way Back Machine and the comments just out of sight say it does not work in iChat 3 although there is nothing in the actual blurb.)
  5. http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn
    /moreinfo/macosx/22422 - Live Icon - A Moving Buddy icon add on.
    • It lives !! Was written by Ecamm but was found on VersionTracker only. (Thanks Defcom !!) The VersionTracker page does say it is iChat 2.x Only !! (Edit 2024:- I could not find this on the Way Back Machine archive or CNet/Download.com which is where VersionTracker seems to have ended up. I have left the URL showing in case anyone wants to try and find it. It is one long URL but currently split to fit the column. NOTE it was a one Version Add-on at best )
  • iChat 2 and 3 compatible stuff
  1. Ecamm.com (iUSBCam) A utility for making G3/500 and slower work with USB cameras and external iSight cameras. Originally for iChat 2.x but the current version is Universal and works on Intels as well.
    • (Edit 2024:- Way Back Machine. Download button does not work. It is also no longer on the Ecamm site as they now have their own Video Chat app. Alternative listing is here at iUSBCam at Download.cnet.com
  2. iGlasses Enhancement for Picture control for External cameras.
    • (Edit 2024:- This link was grabbed from the Way Back Machine iUSBCam page to get to iGlasses. Here, the Download works.)
  3. iChat Streaming Icon Another moving icon Utility. Seems to be OK in iChat 3.x
    • (Edit 2024 W.B.M. link. This app did not just do animated pics but it could stream the Video Live to the Buddy icon or stream prepared Video as well. The specs say it will work in 10.2.5 (iChat 1) and/to 10.3.3 (iChat AV/ver 2). I am guessing that for the internet speeds at the time it would have been a little bandwidth hungry.)
  4. iChatter More from Ecamm.com Speaks iChat Text chats.
  5. Conference Recorder Yet more from Ecamm. Allows you to record iChat Video chats. (before it was officially added)
    • (Edit 2024:- both these last two links are from the Way Back Machine archive.)
  • Not tried in iChat 2 or is iChat 3 specific
  1. Showmacster Adds the ability to show Video clips, icons, pics as slide shows and more. Effectively iChat Theater pre iChat 4.
    • Will work with iChat 4 as well.
  2. ChatFX Adds the ability to live feed of Photo booth type distortions and more.
    • Was originally Intel Macs only but NOW Universal!! Can be power hungry as Video is effectively processed twice. Only works up until 10.4.10 Notice on Site (very top line). (Scriptsoftware still exists as part of PlumAmazing but older items are no longer listed so used the Way Back Machine again).
  3. Chax An Add-on that does much. Allows Auto Accept of Files and Text chats. Tabs Text chats into one window. Has many items that add to the iChat Menus and a set of Preferences added to the iChat Preferences window.
    • The site has different version for Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard. More can be changed in Tiger
      (Edit 2024:- This site still woorks at time of edit and list 3 versions).
  4. PowerBoost More from Ecamm (and the Way Back Machine). This time a Utility for slower Macs to be able to Multi-Video chat (Edit 2024:- And to use the PhotoBooth effects that G4s and 5s could use.

Comment on Add-ons

iChat started as a very basic IM application. AIM, MSN and Yahoo could be said to have been ahead in some respects at this time

It could be said that iChat 1 and 2 lacked certain features that were available either on the major IM applications or as options run on other Clients, mainly those that could join several services such as AdiumX and Proteus on the Mac

The first four items were among the first Add-ons adding things like saying what iTunes was playing as the Status Message or adding the option to Add to your AIM Profile which iChat could not do.

These first four are known to be suitable for iChat 2 Only with the 5th stating it is iChat 2 only but I am sure it works in iChat 3 as well

In the ones 6 through 10 we see the emergence of Ecamm software. They were the ones that somewhat cornered the market on doing things with the basic video feed that allowed other cameras to work or as intended originally to allow the iSight (external) to work on slower Macs. They also produced a setting tweak Add-On that works system Wide and not just in iChat.

The exception is iChat Streaming Icon that came out for iChat 2 but works in iChat 3 (I have not tried it in 4 as it has Animated Buddy icons. Edit Nov 2024:- The site listed as Temporarily Unavailable for the 2008 Edit but the link to number 8 is now A Way Back Macine one.

The ones from 11 - 14 are much more iChat 3 specific. Certain features of all of these are now included in iChat 4

Showmacster adds a pop out drawer that appears on the Preview or Video Chat window. It comes with about 20 or so Smiley type icons on one tab. You can drop pics you want to use regularly in other tabs. It also provide a Whiteboard option to the pics shown, perform slide shows of groups of pics if preset in advance. It can be used to show all or part of your own screen as the Video feed. (iUSBCam can also do whole screen.)

ChatFX does things to the Video feed using Quartz Composer files. (Edit 2024:- Quartz Composer came as part of X Code at the time.) This is exactly the same as Photo Booth and the Effects in iChat 4. If you do not have iChat 4 the site has a series of Stills that are displayed on their front page. Unfortunately it does not work once you have updated to OS 10.4.10

Chax works with the other side so to speak concentrating on the User Interface of the Buddy List and similar options. Things like Tabbed Chats are now in iChat 4

On Internet Speed Checks

Thanks to Defcom on all of these. Now and then when starting out or encountering problems, it is worth checking if you have the Connection Speed you think you have (or indeed pay for). Most need you to have JAVA installed and active. Most of the common Browsers will have the required Plug-in active.

  1. Check Your Broadband speed DSLreports. Speed check with a Javascript enabled site (Edit 2024: I find this one a bit slow to process the test)
  2. ADSLGuide's Speed Test Another Java based Test site in Britain. (Edit 2024:- Speedometer style when running converted into graph when results are viewed).
  3. Speed Test at Audit My PC As the Link says (Edit 2024:- I have left this one. It says there is a Start Button but I could not find it).
  4. SpeedTest.net A test site just for Testing. Nice Graphical interface. Has pastel green and purple colours now. List with the most local servers. You can choose ones from further afield
  5. SpeedofMe Uses JavaScript rather than Java or Flash to run test. Has active graphic style graphics.

(Edit 2024:- SpeedofMe is a replacement for one that did not load. I am guessing most of these have moved away from Flash if not Java as well. The graphics even if they do look somewhat Speedometer in style of muted colours and curved bars (only one had a needle pointing thing) and much less "bloke orientated" than they used to be.

On Other iChat Set Up and Info Pages

Not numbered as I have no preferences on these.

  • CherryPop Homepage Alternative pages about setting up iChat. A bit dated now. Has not been updated since Sept. 2006 (Edit 2024:- Old .Mac Homepage account linked from the Way Back Machine. I used a date in 2008 but it seems it had no new updates after Oct 2006
  • John Kennedy's Homepage Links to Cameras Drivers and other useful stuff. A bit dated now John's original .mac pages. Also has links to his Blog which was last updated in November 2007. (EDit 2024:- When checking this Web Archive link (W.B.M.) I clicked the Blog Button and got Feb 2005 and the AppleChat.info items led nowhere
  • Ryan's iChat set up pages Well worth a beginners visit. Series of 4 pages that start with the Start Up Screens. (Edit 2024:- I will add the edit here as the Way Back Machine does not seem to have grabbed Ryan's pictures on any of the 4 pages). Has pictures of the iChat 3 Preferences as well as how to Add Buddies and How to set up the Jabber side of iChat 3
    Some links are not working (Edit 2024:- read that as Most now. The Link to EZJim's original Blog does not work and it is the same to my Original Site as I have sinced change Hosts site after I changed ISP).
  • MVLDesign.com Mac to PC (AIM 5.9) and iChat help page. Has been there since 2005 and is fairly regularly updated. (Edit 2024: Reading the last but one paragraph it wa updated until 2011. It also seems to have been re-hosted and I have changed the link even though the old one went there.)
  • MonarchWatch As far as I can tell it is mainly iChat 2 based with some reference to iChat 3. Essentially the site is iChat in 500 words. (Edit 2024:- It in fact seems to document a Video conference between Monarch Watch and a school whilst explain how other can join in. The Main site still exits but this entry is not on their site hence the W.B.M. link. )

Edit 2024:- as stated this is more of a Historical Site these days and many of these links have had to grabbed from the Way Back Machine Archive. Only one or two have current pages and like the MonarchWatch one the actual item has been removed as it can no longer be done.

On Other Applications

Multi-service (AIM, Jabber, MSN, Yahoo! etc.) Text Only apps.
  1. ProteusX A Mac based multiple service Text Chat Instant Messenger client.
    • (Edit 2024:- Although the ProteusX.org site still exist it appears they no longer do software and have not Archive of this item. I have used the Way Back Machine again. If you click the About Button near the top I believe the Drop and Drag icon is the one they used for the App. See here at Download.cnet ProteusX)
  2. Fire Another Multi-service Text only Client for Macs.
    • (Edit 2024:- Link still works).
  3. Adium X Another text based multi- service client.
    • ((Edit 2024:- Link still works but this is very dated now. I am not sure they really made it a Intel compatible App).

Comments on Other Applications

As the first section says these are text only but can contact multiple services (if you have the Screen Names).

ProteusX showed lots of promise and even looked like it was going to get to do Multi-service Audio and Video Chats. However Apple employed the main developer and things seem to have got stuck. This is the latest site for this project.

I have not tried Fire. The site has a download but also says this is no longer in development.

Adium X was probably the best known of these apps. They say they are working on Audio and Video.

Mac based AIM Client(s)
  1. AIM for Mac The Mac Version of AIM.

Comments cont.

Just the one in this sub section. AOL/AIM have not continued to developed AIM for Mac since iChat came out. As a Consequence even though it is downloadable it is at Version 4.7 and is text Only (Original Release date was 2004.

  • (Edit 2024:- much later (5 years) AIM did produce an New AIM for Mac but started a new numbering system by calling it AIM for Mac 1

It does have an Export and Import feature that can be of use sometime to make backups of your Buddy List. It has a group that iChat does not called Recent Buddies which iChat will display once you have launched AIM for Mac.

Alternatives to iChat but Video chatting capable apps
  1. iVisit A Mac and PC alternative. (does not use AIM or MSN or Jabber)
    • (Edit 2024:- No current Website so W.B.M. link used I picked a date from 2008 (closet to the original Edits)
  2. Skype Cross Platform IP telephony and Chat client. Now has a Mac version for Video chat.
    • (Edit 2024:- Currently owned by Microsoft who used it to replace MSN Messenger. Agian I have chosen a W.B.M. link in 2008 as pre-Microsoft.
  3. PalTalk.com a standalone Video chatting app mostly based on video chatting rooms.
    • Edit 2024:- Paltalk is still active but I have picked a date from 2008 here with the W.B.M. At the bottom of Paltalk's current site is a list of other Products including CamFrog amongst others. Following that link the Camfrog site is laid in the same style but has a Copyright notice by camshare at the bottom who now seem to "own" several of these older apps.
  4. Gizmo Says it can link to almost anything. Free to Download. Looks like calls to landlines cost like Skype does.
    • (Edit 2024:- had to go to the W.B.M to grab this 2008 link. Looking at the blurb now it seems it was aimimg (small "a") to be a little like an Audio version of what Facetime does - using your numbers to allow contact. However as noted in the original write up here there are buttons to pay for Incoming and Outgoing calls although these may be from and to numbers that are not on Gizmo. There is no current web site under their name. )

Comments cont.

I have tried YakForFree, Skype and Gizmo. YakforFree has disappeared so the link has been removed. (Edit 2024:- I checked the W.B.M and grabbed this link from 2007. By 2008 there was only one sample and nothing followed that. The 2008 sample also said YakForMobile and seem to offer nothing else that was a concrete link.

iVisit seemed to be mentioned a lot as an Alternative to both iChat and Skype when iChat 3 came out.

Most seem to be working at the crossover point of Video IM apps and VoIP apps (contacting other phone services)

Alternatives to iChat but Video chatting In a Web Browser
  1. MeBeam. An option to use a Web site that create Private room for Video Chatting. Uses Flash to access your Camera and Mic.
    • (Edit 2024:- Way Back Machine. (2008) I had forgotten how spartan this site was. 2 instructions and a entery point to make up a room name. )
  2. iVideoChat Similar setup but a somewhat corporate type look to the site. Has Public rooms as well. Again uses Flash.
    • (Edit 2024:- Has morphed into Camfrog - at least that is where the link now goes. See Above on Paltalk. I see nothing on the current Camfrog site about using Flash. A 2008 grab using the Way Back Machine)
  3. Googlemail/GoogeTalk now do a Version in a Web Browser.
    • (Edit 2024:- grabbed this W.B.M grab from 2009. Required a good enough Browser and a download Video Plug-in specifically for this. (it was Flash Like without claiming (At the time) to be Flash.))
  4. http://www.tokbox.com/# Tokbox A Site that can link your existing Buddy Lists that Uses Flash to Video chat in a Browser.
    • (Edit 2024:- the plain link (now on show) does not go anywhere at the time of this edit. The Way Back Machine seems to baulk at the site as it seems it is Flash based. I tried in Safari 18.2 and Firefox 131.x.x and had the same result. Wikipedia article)

Comments cont.

The Options listed here, to the left, are ones where you and your Buddy use a Web browser that has the Flash Plug-in active.

You get a pop straight away in Mebeam to allow access to your Camera. Audio if not using a Headset can be echoey or have feedback until you get the balance right.

(Edit 2024:- as the Link does not work and I relied on the Way Back Machine I doubt this will work. Many Browsers no Longer support Flash)

With iVideoChat you need to register to have access to your own rooms.

Apps for PCs in addition to those listed above
  1. Trillian PC based alternative to AIM using the AIM servers. Will connect to iChat. This may become Cross Platform as a Mac Version is stated to be in development.
    • (Edit 2024:- Still a live link. Now offers versions from Mac, iOS, Windows and Andriod plus Linux.)

It is worth noting that the http://www.google.com/talk/ GoogleTalk app for PCs can do PC to PC Audio Chats.
(Edit 2024:- I can find very little on this now. This Wikipedia article mentions it only in passing - in not confusing it with the Plug-in for Browsers)

Comments cont.

Again I am only aware of the one option in this group.

Trillian has made more progress than ProteusX in that it can use the Video and Audio options on several of the main IM services

It was an advantage over AIM 5.9 in that it has a larger Video window that can be expanded. However to do Video needs the Pro Version that costs. It has dropped from $30 to $25 at present though.

Apps to connect to other Services
  1. Mercury Messenger A JAVA based MSN Client. JAVA makes it cross platform. Has a beta for Video and Audio chats.
  2. aMSN Another MSN Video chat Client. (Edit 2024:- Link to this Source Forge site still works. Will have "died" when MSN died when Microsoft retired it in favour of Skype).

Comments cont.

Both these MSN Clients are programmed in JAVA which makes them installable on both PCs and Macs. (Edit 2024:- As mentioned on the left both apps will have ceased a lot of their functionallity once Microsoft closed down the MSN servers in favour of Skype.)

At the time both did Video BUT with no Audio feed.

Chatter Lists pages

This might be useful to those who ask it regularly.
If your looking for Lists of potential iChat Buddies. You may want to register at these.
They are a way of finding New Buddies.

iChatters.com (Edit 2024:- From 2008 at The Way Back Machine. The Link in the text to the About page works but the Menu items don't.)
Chatfinder.com(Edit 2024:- I have gone for a 2007 grab here as there appeared to be more samples taken (I presume page updates)).
iChat Club (Edit 2024:- I have gone for a 2006 grab here. Heavy on the Adverts. Seems it was run by a french woman and had this translated English version. Some of the Menu items work. As stated the site was found by Phillippe who informed me) :- ;     (Thanks to Phillippe Alary)
iChat Rooms Listing This Site has NSFW items on view in the left hand menu and main body as it lists interests wider than just Work, Celebrities or Macs. (Edit 2024:- I have gone for a 2007 sample. However it seems it is the same page in 2023.

Some of them cost.

Unfortunately this list is becoming shorter and shorter. This is for two reasons it seems.

  1. I keep it to ones that I feel are broadly acceptable or at least Inoffensive to a large majority or people bearing in mind AIM's lower age limit is supposed to be 13 Years of Age.
  2. There has been an issue with abuse on some chatrooms with malicious code being sent.

At the bottom of the "Do a Search item" in the next panel there is a link to a News item at the BBC that explains why the bigger services have stopped running that own Chatrooms which would be a source of Names/Buddies.

Lists of Chatrooms

Again a list that is becoming shorter and shorter. It used to be that you could search for Sites that listed Rooms and the Listing would be a link to launch you favourite IM app that worked with AIM chatrooms. A bit like the Buddy Listings I tend to Censor those that I find. Essentially it is now just the one.

iChat Rooms Listing (Edit 2024:- This is the 2023 Sample I was talking about and you can see there are no differences. The Warning about NSFW still applies. It does seem that now the site is no longer live.)

AIM's own page on this disappeared for a while and now links to Web Based Chatrooms

AIM chat rooms (Edit 2024:- grabbed a sample here from the Way Back Machine for early 2006 and found this filled in page. BY 2007 it seems the page just had a link to the next item). It now points you to here where I can see no chatrooms as such listed. Edit 2024:- However it does seem on a fresh look in 2024 that there are Message Boards and AOL Communities that might have replaced them.

This news Piece May have a bearing on the lack of the AIM ChatRooms.
(Edit 2024:- This is from the BBC and I am aware that sometimes these can be difficult to access outside of the UK. Here is a Wired.com version

Getting iChat to Open From Web links

If you have several AIM type Clients (applications that use the AIM servers) you may wish to specify which one opens when you click on a aim:gochat?RoomName=(RoomName) link on a web page.
The aim:gochat?RoomName= link on a web page is much like the iTunes one in an email from Apple that can launch another app.

Sometimes when you click on the link on the list of ChatRoom pages you find that the link seems not to be suitable for iChat. One workaround is to Right or Control click the Link and Use the Properties item to see the link in full. Highlighting the link and then using the Apple Key and c key together to copy (it will not work from the menu item in Firefox) and paste it in the window that pops up when you use the "Go to Chat" item in the iChat File menu.

The more elegant Internet Explorer solution follows.

For this you need to open Internet Explorer on the Mac. (You can get older versions here) (Edit 2024:- Way Back Machine form 2008).

In the Mac version of Internet Explorer you can tweak the preferences to make sure iChat is your Chatroom application (if you have another AIM client). Redone for IE 5.2.3

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Open the Explorer Menu.
  3. Select Preferences.
  4. In the Window that appears, scroll down to Network, and use the reveal triangle.
  5. Select Helper Protocols.
  6. Choose AIM by click on it once and deselect it as an Active choice.
  7. Now Click the Option to "Change" at the bottom of the window.
  8. In the Pop-Up window select Change and in the next navigate to the application you want to use with Chat rooms.
This makes sure the aim:gochat? html code on the web page that links to the Chatroom opens the right application.

It would be worth saving a .dmg file of Internet Explorer for your Intel Mac when you get it as it does not come as part of the Installed applications.

Chatrooms as Bookmarks

You can also add a bookmark in your web browser to Regular chatrooms
This works for at least Firefox and Safari.

Select (copy) the chatroom name by going to the View menu and the item Chat Options. (It is in the third subsection).
Next go to the Bookmarks menu in Firefox.
Select Manage Bookmarks
Use the Add Bookmark icon.
In the Location item type aim:gochat?roomname=(paste the room name here).
Fill in any other details as you see fit. Where it says New Bookmark is the name that will appear in the Bookmarks.

One note for those wishing to use this technique: In "...=(paste the room name here)", the parentheses are NOT part of the room name in the bookmark.

Up Arrow and text icon

Back:- To the Top of the Page - Next:- Page (6)

© 2005 Ralph Johns: Edited 24/9/2005, 5/5/2006
Updated September 2006. Moved to Gargoyles and edited Mar 2007
Edited and links checked 10:57 PM Monday; September 22, 2008
Edit 2024:- Most links now from the Way Back Machine (It has been 16 years). Also moved to be HTML 5 Compliant.

Information Block

This site is about iChat from Version 1 through to iChat 5.x.x
It has had a major Edit in September 2024 moving towards being HTML 5 complaint. It has essentially become an Historical document on how things could be done in iChat.

It has a mixture of basic info and problem solving help.

The setions below will change for Specifics about info on the page on view

About This Page


Three links on How-to for Jabber. How-to for Jabber to MNS, Yahoo! and others and a List of servers to achieve the same.


Bits about AIM for the PC - Links to same and help sites.
See also "Info on Other iChat sites"

Speed Test Sites

Like what it says - A list of Speed Tests sites

iChat ADD-ONs

A list of links to ADD-Ons for iChat
Some of these do work in other applications as well such as iGlassses

Other Applications

Lists of other applications that can use the AIM service in some way first. Followed by stand-alone applications that have Mac and PC versions as alternatives. List of one PC app as an alternative to AIM and finally those Mac Apps that use the MSN network

See also EZJim's page on Apps with an iSight

Info on Other iChat Sites

Listing of other sites that have something to do with iChat and it's set up.

Chatters Lists

There are lists of people that use Chat Applications. This is a List of AIM and iChat based ones. They vary greatly in the way they are structured. Some are just lists - others tend to lead you to where they think you want to go. Some Cost.

'List of Chatrooms' Sites

Variation on the above in terms of meeting people. AIM and other sites list Chatrooms on web pages. These tend to be either popular rooms or topic/interest based. Most are permanent rooms (even if no-one is there when you visit).

Open iChat from a Web page

So... You want iChat to open when you use a web based link to a Chatroom ?

Book marking Chats

A How-to on adding a Chatroom as a Bookmark for Safari and Firefox.

Similar Pages

On Apps and iSight (or cameras generally).

EZJim's page on Apps with an iSight

EZJim's Common PC Chat Apps & iChat

On Other Info.

About List of Buddies A repeat.


As mentioned above this has had a major Edit/Update in September 2024 meaning that the Browsers listed at the bottom are likely to no longer work.

I have tested in Safari 18.1, Firefox 130.x and 131.0, Vivaldi 6.9.3447.48 and iCab 6.2.3 (All Mac Browsers) I don't have access to a PC let alone multiple browsers to test on.

The original pages worked with Win/IE 5.5 and later (should work in 5.0, but not confirmed), Firefox 2, Safari 3, Opera 9, iCab 3.02 and later, Mac/IE 5, Netscape 6 and later

Old browsers (IE version 4 or earlier, Netscape 4 or earlier) should only see a text-based page which, while not the prettiest option, is still entirely usable.

Up Arrow and text icon