Ralph Johns

iChat Picture Pages


iChat In Pictures >> Your are in Folder 8_Modem:Router >> and it's Sub Folder Thomson Alcatel Modem >> Page: NAPT

1[3] 1 Modem NAPT Settings 02-10-2006

This is the first of the Thomson Alcatel modem's pages

In this device the settings akin to Port Forwarding are called NAPT (Network Address and Packet Translation)

They are Accessed is Advanced > NAPT, as shown by the yellow highlights and arrows. Then follow them left to right.

At this point the actual screen you see will have a smaller gold section at the bottom but where it currently says "Apply", it will say "New". Clicking "New" will expand to this view. The view shown here shows "Temp" entries because NAPT is not ON for this device.

The arrows then lead to where I have entered "This for Your IP" is where you type the IP of your computer (or router if that is the next device).

I have gone straight past the "Outside IP" box as this setting of is the recognised way of accepting incoming data from anywhere on the Internet (which is what you want with iChat or any online game for that matter).

Just above that is the Protocol choice.

I have gone on to enter the incoming (strangely labeled "Outside") port of 5190 and then the port on the next device ("Inside"). As we want anything coming to the modem on port 5190 to go to the next device on port 5190 both are the same.

This device can only enter one port at a time. It needs, therefore a total of 31 entries for the fact two of the ports require UDP and TCP to be set and this device does not have a "Both" or "Any" setting in the Protocol choice.

This set of three pictures are mainly to show the differences between this and the Linksys pages. I hope that from between the two sets you might fathom your own device(s) better.

As another example here is a D-Link Picture. It point port 5190, in this case, to computer at for the TCP Protocol.

D-Link Port Fowarding

Created with JAlbum 4.0.6

©  2005 Ralph Johns: Edited 24/9/2005, 5/5/2006
Updated September 2006
Updated October 2008

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About This Page

This picture shows what this Thomson-Alcatel Speedtouch modem has as the closest thing to Port Forwarding.

In this case there are effectively the same thing as the Thomson device does this for Packets as well as for Addresses.

Each port is laboriously set up one at a time to be entered needing 31 entries as some of the 29 ports iChat uses need TCP and UDP done separately.


Confirmed to work with Win/IE 5.5 and later (should work in 5.0, but not confirmed), Firefox 2, Safari 3, Opera 9, iCab 3.02 and later, Mac/IE 5, Netscape 6 and later

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